Name Mangling

Table of Contents

1. Name Mangling 简介

In compiler construction, name mangling (also called name decoration) is a technique used to solve various problems caused by the need to resolve unique names for programming entities in many modern programming languages.

It provides a way of encoding additional information in the name of a function, structure, class or another datatype in order to pass more semantic information from the compilers to linkers.

What is mangling? The C++ and Java languages provide function overloading, which means that you can write many functions with the same name, providing that each function takes parameters of different types. In order to be able to distinguish these similarly named functions C++ and Java encode them into a low-level assembler name which uniquely identifies each different version. This process is known as mangling.

Calling Conventions for different C++ compilers and operating systems:
Name mangling demystified:

1.1. How to Demangling

下面这些方法都可以 Demangling 符号:

  1. GNU binutils c++filt.
  2. nm has a -C option which demangles the symbol names in object file.
  3. Demangling online:

2. C++ Name Mangling

The C++ language does not define a standard decoration scheme, so each compiler uses its own. Few linkers can link object code that was produced by different compilers.

不同 C++ 编译器使用的 Mangling 规则可能不一样,这里 How different compilers mangle the same functions 有不同编译器采用不同 Mangling 规则的例子。

2.1. Name Mangling rule in GCC 3.x and later

GCC 3.x and later has adopted the name mangling scheme defined in the Itanium C++ ABI.

2.2. Mangling 实例

下面介绍一个很简单的 C++ Name Mangling 例子(在 GCC 4.9.2 中测试):

$ cat 1.c
int fun1(char*, int, double, char, float)
    return 1;
$ g++ -c 1.c    # Use g++, rather than gcc.
$ nm 1.o | grep fun1
0000000000000000 T _Z4fun1Pcidcf

上面例子中 _Z4fun1Pcidcf 是 int fun1(char*, int, double, char, float)完成 Name Mangling 后的结果。

_Z 是所有 Name Mangling 的前缀(以下划线和大写字母开头的标识符在 C 标准里是保留字,所以不会被用户使用而导致名字冲突);数字 4 是函数名字的长度;fun1 是函数名字;后面的部分是函数参数(Pc 代表 Pointer to char, i 代表 integer, d 代表 double, c 代表 char, f 代表 float)。

Author: cig01

Created: <2011-08-12 Fri>

Last updated: <2016-07-09 Sat>

Creator: Emacs 27.1 (Org mode 9.4)