
Table of Contents

1. 事务简介


Nuts and Bolts of Transaction Processing
事务处理——概念与技术, by Jim Gray

1.1. 事务的 ACID


Atomicity 原子性
Consistency 一致性
数据库在事务的开始和结束时将处于一致的状态(不管在任何给定的时间并发事务有多少)。比如,A向 B 转账,不会出现 A 扣了钱,B却没收到。
Isolation 隔离性
Durability 持久性
已成功提交数据库的事务结果要能够维持(只要事务提交,系统将保证数据不会丢失,如系统突然 crash)。

参考:SQL 宝典,原书第二版,7.2.1 什么是事务

2. 事务的 Isolation Level(隔离级别)

The SQL92 standard defines four levels of transaction isolation with differing degrees of impact on transaction processing.
These isolation levels are defined in terms of the following three read types.


2.1. Three read types

Dirty reads
A transaction reads data that has been written by another transaction that has not been committed yet.
Fuzzy reads
A transaction rereads data it has previously read and finds that another committed transaction has modified or deleted the data.
Phantom reads
A transaction re-runs a query returning a set of rows that satisfies a search condition and finds that another committed transaction has inserted additional rows that satisfy the condition.


2.1.1. Dirty Read

This occurs if one transaction can see the results of the actions of another transaction before it commits. Consider the following example:

Table 1: Dirty read example
Transaction Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Transaction 1 Write(a) - Rollback
Transaction 2 - Read(a) -

If Transaction 2 reads the value written by Transaction 1, then a DIRTY READ has occurred.

2.1.2. Non-Repeatable Read (also called Fuzzy Read)

This occurs if the results of one transactions can be modified or deleted by another transaction before it commits. This is illustrated below:

Table 2: Non-repeatable read example
Transaction Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 Action 4
Transaction 1 Read(a) - - Read(a)
Transaction 2 - Write/Delete(a) Commit -

If Transaction 1 gets a different result from the each Read, then a NON-REPEATABLE READ has occurred.
对于“Transaction 1”来说,两次读的结果不一样,所以这称为“不可重复读(Non-Repeatable Read)”。

2.1.3. Phantom Read (幻读)

This occurs if the results of a query in one transaction can be changed by another transaction before it commits. This is illustrated below:

Table 3: Phantom read example
Transaction Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 Action 4
Transaction 1 Select(criteria) - - Select(criteria)
Transaction 2 - Update/Create(match to criteria) Commit -

If Transaction 1 gets a different result from each Select, then a PHANTOM READ has occurred.

2.1.4. “脏读、不可重复读、幻读”的通俗例子

脏读(dirty read):A改后还未提交,B读,A又改并提交。例:
1.Mary 的原工资为 1000,财务人员将 Mary 的工资改为了 8000(但未提交事务)
2.Mary 读取自己的工资,发现自己的工资变为了 8000,欢天喜地!
3.而财务发现操作有误,回滚了事务,Mary 的工资又变为了 1000,像这样 Mary 记取的工资数 8000 是一个脏数据。

不可重复读(nonrepeatable read):A先读,B再改,A再读。例:
1.在事务 A 中,Mary 读取了自己的工资为 1000,操作并没有完成
2.在事务 B 中,这时财务人员修改了 Mary 的工资为 2000,并提交了事务
3.在事务 A 中,Mary 再次读取自己的工资时,工资变为了 2000

幻读(phantom read):A改后还未提交,B改其他的,A再查。例:
1.A 把所有的“黑色”改为“白色”
2.B 把所有的“红色”改为“黑色”
3.A 再查询“黑色”,却发现还有“黑色”,这对 A 来说就好像发生了幻觉一样。


2.2. Four levels of isolation in SQL92

SQL92 defines four levels of isolation based on the read permissions above:

Table 4: Four levels of isolation in SQL92
Isolation Level Dirty Read Nonrepeatable Read Phantom Read
读未提交(Read Uncommitted) Possible Possible Possible
读提交(Read Committed) Not Possible Possible Possible
可重复读(Repeatable Read) Not Possible Not Possible Possible
串行化(Serializable) Not Possible Not Possible Not Possible

2.3. DB2 isolation levels

Table 5: DB2 equivalent to the ANSI SQL Isolation Level
ANSI SQL Isolation Level DB2 equivalent Note
Read Uncommitted UR (Uncommitted read)  
Read Committed (default) CS (Cursor stability)  
Repeatable Read RS (Read stability) 对所读记录要加锁
Serializable RR (Repeatable read) 整个表可能要加锁

UR 是“最危险”的用法(性能相对好)。
RR 是“最安全”的用法(性能相对差)。


2.4. Oracle isolation levels

Oracle 中隔离级别最低对应 DB2 中的 CS 级别,若要把 DB2 代码迁移到 Oracle 中,其中的“WITH UR”和“WITH CS”语句可以安全地删除。但如果 DB2 代码中有“WITH RS”和“WITH RR”怎么办呢?可以在 Oracle 中通过下面语句来设置,但这些语句必须是当前事务的第一条语句:



Oracle does not allow reading uncommitted rows and WITH UR clause should be removed from the SELECT statement. Often it is not a problem as WITH UR is mostly used to prevent any read locks in DB2, while in Oracle readers are never blocked anyway.

WITH CS means to read committed rows, and this is the default in Oracle, so this clause can be also removed.


3. Distributed Transaction(分布式事务)

分布式事务必须在网络失败时最小化丢失数据的风险。分布式事务处理的困难源于两个方面:concurrency 和 failures。

3.1. 两阶段提交

分布式事务中使用两阶段提交协议(Two-Phase Commit protocol):
第 1 阶段:Commit request phase(准备阶段)
事务管理器(即处理协调器)接收到一个 COMMIT 请求后将这个请求传达到该事务涉及的所有资源管理器(即数据库),然后这些资源管理器执行准备工作,如锁定资源(获取锁等操作)。如果准备工作可以顺利完成,则回复“可以提交”,否则回复“拒绝提交”。

第 2 阶段:Commit phase(提交阶段)
如果所有资源管理器都回复“可以提交”,则处理协调器发送正式提交命令。在此阶段,这些资源管理器真正发出 COMMIT 并报告给处理协调器;当所有的 COMMIT 都成功后,处理协调器发通知给客户端应用程序。如果有任何资源管理器没有通知处理协调器,则处理协调器发送 ROLLBACK 命令给所有资源管理器。这个过程中可能需要在 COMMIT 执行后再执行 ROLLBACK,通常需要使用日志文件。

Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems, by Philip A. Bernstein, Section 7.4 The Two Phase Commit Protocol
SQL 宝典,原书第二版,7.2.2 事务的 COMMIT 和 ROLLBACK

3.2. 分布式事务典型应用场景

Moving data between databases -- An application moving data from one database to another requires a distributed transaction. Otherwise, the data may be duplicated (if the insert completes and the delete fails) or lost (if the delete completes and the insert fails).


3.3. 分布式事务最大缺点是性能不高

The greatest disadvantage of the two-phase commit protocol is that it is a blocking protocol. If the coordinator fails permanently, some cohorts will never resolve their transactions: After a cohort has sent an agreement message to the coordinator, it will block until a commit or rollback is received.


3.4. TPC-C benchmark

The TPC-C benchmark continues to be a popular yardstick for comparing OLTP performance on various hardware and software configurations.

4. 事务处理标准

参考:事务处理——概念与技术, by Jim Gray, 2.7 节

4.1. LU6.2 事实标准

在 IBM 的 SNA (Systems Network Architecture) 事实标准中,有一部分内容定义了调用远程事务型服务器的协议,被称为 LU6.2 ,它定义了客户如何调用远程事务型服务器并和它建立一个会话。

4.2. OSI-TP 标准

继 IBM 的 SNA 标准之后,ISO (国际标准化组织)定义了 OSI (开放系统互连)的网络体系结构,其中包含有事务处理相关标准 (OSI-TP)。
OSI-TP 和 LU6.2 非常相似,从某种程序上可以认为 OSI-TP 是 LU6.2 在 OSI 体系下的重定义。


4.3. X/Open DTP 标准

OSI-TP 仅定义了消息传递和格式和所使用的协议,没有标准化具体的 API。 这样,它们允许事务处理系统的互操作,但却没有提供编写可移植事务处理应用程序或服务器的方法。
另一个标准化组织 X/Open 意识到这个问题,它定义了分布事务处理标准(X/Open DTP)来解决这个问题。
在 X/Open DTP 模型中定义了资源管理器(RM),事务管理器(TM)等重要概念。在 TM 和 TM 之间的接口采用的还是 OSI-TP 标准。


5. X/Open DTP

X/Open DTP 模型的功能模块和接口如图 1 所示。


Figure 1: Functional Components and Interfaces

在简单场景下,模型可简化为图 2 所示。


Figure 2: X/Open distributed transaction processing (DTP) model

The resource manager (RM) manages a defined part of the computer’s shared resources. These may be accessed using services that the RM provides. Examples for RMs are database management systems (DBMSs), a file access method such as X/Open ISAM, and a print server.

The transaction manager (TM) manages global transactions and coordinates the decision to start them, and commit them or roll them back. This ensures atomic transaction completion. The TM also coordinates recovery activities of the resource managers when necessary, such as after a component fails.

说明:在分布式事务处理环境中,RM 必须依赖于 TM 来管理分布式事务。在分布式事务处理环境中,AP 不应该直接使用 RM 提供的事务 API,如 EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK 和 EXEC SQL ROLLBACK WORK 等。

Distributed Transaction Processing: Reference Model
Distributed Transaction Processing: The XA Specification
Distributed Transaction Processing: The TX (Transaction Demarcation) Specification

5.1. TX 接口(应用程序和 TM 之间的接口)

TX 接口是应用程序(AP)和事务管理器(TM)之间的接口。

Table 6: TX functions
Name Description
tx_begin Begin a global transaction.
tx_close Close a set of resource managers.
tx_commit Commit a global transaction.
tx_info Return global transaction information.
tx_open Open a set of resource managers.
tx_rollback Roll back a global transaction.
tx_set_transaction_control Set transaction_control characteristic.
tx_set_transaction_timeout Set transaction_timeout characteristic.

这些函数的原型定义在头文件 tx.h 中。

参考:Oracle Tuxedo ATMI (Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface) C Function Reference

5.2. XA 接口(TM 和 RM 之间的接口)

XA 接口是事务管理器(TM)和资源管理器(RM)之间接口。
XA uses a two-phase commit to ensure that all resources either commit or rollback any particular transaction consistently (all do the same).

Table 7: XA functions
Name Description
ax_reg Register an RM with a TM.
ax_unreg Unregister an RM with a TM.
xa_close Terminate the AP's use of an RM.
xa_commit Tell the RM to commit a transaction branch.
xa_complete Test an asynchronous xa_ operation for completion.
xa_end Dissociate the thread from a transaction branch.
xa_forget Permit the RM to discard its knowledge of a heuristically-completed transaction branch.
xa_open Initialise an RM for use by an AP.
xa_prepare Ask the RM to prepare to commit a transaction branch.
xa_recover Get a list of XIDs the RM has prepared or heuristically completed.
xa_rollback Tell the RM to roll back a transaction branch.
xa_start Start or resume a transaction branch - associate an XID with future work that the thread requests of the RM.

ax_开头的 API 由 TM 提供,被 RM 调用。xa_开头的 API 由 RM 提供,被 TM 调用。
这些函数的原型定义在头文件 xa.h 中。

说明 1:RM 可以自由定义 xa_开头 API 的名字,TM 通过结构体 xa_switch_t 找到它们。
The XA interface describes a structure called the switch table, which lists the names of the xa_ routines implemented in the resource manager. This structure is called xa_switch_t, and is defined in the xa.h header file. The switch table helps build servers that are truly independent of the database vendor being used.

struct xa_switch_t {
  char  name[RMNAMESZ];       /* name of resource manager */
  long  flags;                /* resource manager specific options */
  long  version;              /* must be 0 */
  int (*xa_open_entry)(char *, int, long);    /* xa_open function pointer */
  int (*xa_close_entry)(char *, int, long);   /* xa_close function pointer*/
  int (*xa_start_entry)(XID *, int, long);    /* xa_start function pointer */
  int (*xa_end_entry)(XID *, int, long);      /* xa_end function pointer */
  int (*xa_rollback_entry)(XID *, int, long); /* xa_rollback function pointer */
  int (*xa_prepare_entry)(XID *, int, long);  /* xa_prepare function pointer */
  int (*xa_commit_entry)(XID *, int, long);   /* xa_commit function pointer */
  int (*xa_recover_entry)(XID *, long, int, long);
                                              /* xa_recover function pointer*/
  int (*xa_forget_entry)(XID *, int, long);   /* xa_forget function pointer */
  int (*xa_complete_entry)(int *, int *, int, long);
};                                            /* xa_complete function pointer */

说明 2:Some database vendors, such as Oracle, typically have the xa.h header file in their default include directory. Other database vendors, such as Sybase and DB2, generally do not have the xa.h file in the include directory. If the database vendor does not supply xa.h, this file should be located in the include directory of the TM vendor.



Figure 3: DTP 中,新进程的简单控制流程

注:tm 开头的函数就是 TX 接口中那些 tx 开关的函数。

参考:事务处理——概念与技术,16.6 节

5.3. 常见 RMs

主流的数据库都可以作为 RM。

5.3.2. Oracle Database

5.3.3. MySQL

5.4. 常见 TMs

Oracle Tuxedo:
Microsoft Transaction Server(MTS):
LIXA, LIbre XA, is a free and open source XA transaction manager:

Author: cig01

Created: <2013-07-14 Sun>

Last updated: <2020-11-05 Thu>

Creator: Emacs 27.1 (Org mode 9.4)